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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Am I bad

Call me Celena.I dont know if I have to shre dis wid u.But i caannot tell dis to my friends. I hav sexual affair with my cousin.Since I was a kid. i think I was 7 though no penetration happened during that time until I reach 15.I dnt know what to do.I am abuse and let it happen for exchange of small favors like letting me play with gameboy,family computer etc.I was young during that time.Now I cannot stop him.Just want to share it.I am 18 right now and .I am afraid that no one will believe me.


Anonymous said...

Its a little bit hard to give advice, but I think you should stop him. Don't let it result to a more big problem.

lucky_witch said...

hi celena...
thank you for sharing it with us. I have to be honest that I dont know what advice to give to you. I asked some friends and here are their thoughts... hope it will help.

"I would just reply and ask her if she's considered seeing a counsellor because what is happening is really still illegal, even at the age of eighteen and she needs to sort it now. She doesn't actually relate her feelings or anything which is what makes me wonder. Normally, if they decide to tell all, they do just that, and she's holding back for some reason." -darkwing-

"as she wrote that it started in her childhood days, she must be innocent back then, not knowing what could be the adverse effects of it afterwards. But as she is a mature Adult now, then she can ask to her cousin directly to stop this as this is not the game.
Its life, an important feeling of a person, not to be made worst by spoiling its enjoyable moments.
So it would be better if she make herself strong and take a strong judgement against the happenings in life. " -vijayganesh-

Anonymous said...

Hello this is very unfortunate to hear. A little distubing also. This person has tooken advantage of you long enough, I know you might be afraid to stand up to him but it is wrong and you need to speak out about this problem don't hide it anymore you have nothing really to be ashamed of. What your cousin didis considered rape especially at such a young age. You need to seek help, so when you face this person to tell him that you no longer want to have sexual relationship that he can't hurt you or force you because they should be there with you. he knows your ashamed he is thinking you won't talk to others about it prove him wrong. Take a stand. Be the boss of your own body now and know your better for it. If you need to you might get a E.P.O. against him so he can't bother you without getting into major trouble..if he doesn't land up in jail anyhow for what he did to you at such a young age even though he didn't penetrate till 15 it is still molesting and it is wrong. Be strong. I hope that you find the strength to do what needs to be done so you can live your life as you want. get help..(hugs) Mtdewgurl74

Anonymous said...

i am not forced or threaten,i find complaining a little late.its my fault that i allow it to happen.whenever i say no to him he just tell me that i have nothing to hide we did it a thousand times.im afraid to hve bf because i cant explain it to him.its just that sometimes i feel dirty.i know i need help but im afraid that people will laugh at me.

RJScott said...

You say you're 18. That's physically grown up.

Don't you think it's time to grow up EMOTIONALLY and act RESPONSIBLY?

Apparently those who read your post believe you. Why wouldn't your family or friends?

Anonymous said...

Celena, what do U feel inside Ur heart everytime ur cousin is doing it to U? why did U let it last that long? why did U allow that to happened until now, u're mature enough to stand on ur own? if u're liking whatever he is doin to U well the only problem U are facing now is not to get pregnant. if he thinks that U have nothing to hide coz u guys are doin it for like thousands of times...well, U should tell him that it has to stop { if U really want him to stop ] that U have to start a life of ur own, that U have dreams that U want to fullfill. U cannot just live ur life in his shadow scared and helpless. start dating with other guys, and if U can find one that is really serious and true to his feelings towards U then thats the time to share ur problems and then U will know if he is true by believing what U said and accepting who U are, no matter what had happened...
don't let the situation gets worst, stop it if U can...
start Ur life all over again and learn from it
be strong!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not gonna judge you Celena..But he can't do it again without your consent.

Anonymous said...

It's about time you do some action against your cousin.